Monday, October 24, 2011

[rough footage]

These are the two main shots I did this week, both mostly rough. I did two other shots too, but they're very short and for some reason aren't uploading properly here, so I'm just glad these two are.

I need to fix the timing on this, and there's no audio yet, but this is when Claire's mom says she's grounded and walks past, picking up the dinosaur toys and exiting. Claire yells "that's not fair" at the end, but it's not synced yet. 

And this a rough of the mother exiting Claire's room with the toys.

I'll try to figure out how to upload the other shots I did for next week's blog, but it's almost 5 and I don't think I'll get them working in time to have them up this week. As I'm moving into shots with more complicated movements, I think I'm going to have to do animation that's way more rough than what I've been outputting so far. For example, this week I have to do the shot where she climbs up onto the well while talking, so that'll need a few passes before the move is clean.

1 comment:

  1. Nice work Kristina! The hand on the door in the second shot looks a bit awkward. I recommend you have a friend act it out and take some stills- you will be surprised st how helpful it is!

    Beautiful work- I like your timing!
