Monday, September 5, 2011


One of the things I'm really struggling with right now is interesting shots and camera angles. This week I'm planning to watch some movies and take some notes, try to figure out how to nail down the mood. Until then, here's some thumbnails I did in an attempt to "spice up" some previously boring shots. I'm going to be doing this all next week as well, so these are just the first few.


  1. I know a lot of people in class have an aversion to it, but it might help if you go into Maya and make work out some of the blocking and staging in there. Just put some rough shapes in a scene as stand ins and play with the camera placement to see what you like/dislike.

    If you had the time and resources, you could also take photographs of toys (which could act as stand ins) or people (ditto) in different kinds of blocking. It's not very practical, but if you feel it'd be better to physically interact with stuff you might prefer that method.

    It's probably easier just to take notes from movies, but if you have an idea that you can picture in your head but can't seem to get just right,and you aren't seeing it in your research, then maybe one of those might help. Just some food for thought.

  2. Tyler said everything I was going to say. I'm actually going to do a lot of that stuff myself.

    If you're going to look at films as a reference, try watching them with the sound off. It makes it way easier to notice interesting shot compositions, as well as how the film links one shot to the next.

  3. Great ideas! Have you tried these methods yet, Kristina?
