Monday, September 12, 2011

[rough footage]

I was going to have three videos to show you guys, but I saved wrong and lost twelve seconds of footage, aka the scene where she gets up, looks around, and walks off. I have an older video version of it I'll post here, but I need to redo it all again.

A rather floaty run cycle, but I'm trying to just get all the rough animation done right now.

The background will be changed stylistically, but this is where she's laughing, playing with her dinosaurs, then hears her mother coming up the stairs.

The older version of the lost scene. The newer version had the walk cycle fixed.

Another test background image.

EDIT: I FOUND THE FRAMES OH MY GOD. I almost died. I have to re-composite them all, but still. Whew.


  1. Great work, Kristina! I love your timing! I have some minor comments:

    Video #1: The timing is terrific. You could possibly had a beat after she crosses her arms and before her head turns. Could also add a longer pause before she walks away.

    Video #2: You could push the laughter a bit more, and perhaps have her pupils move further in each direction to make it clear her gaze is changing. (Also a frame or two of a pause in each extreme might help.)

    Video #3: I wonder if the run cycle was on 1's if it might play better?

    Of course, you should only make revisions if you can stay on schedule. This looks really great, Kristina!!!


  2. *Make that possibly "add" a beat*

  3. Looks good! It's hard to do walk cycles, let alone skipping.
    One thing you might want to look out for is that the size of her head sometimes changes in size as the shot goes on. If you keep a 'reference head' on a different layer that you can move around within the shot, and then delete when you're done, that'll help the size stay constant.
