Sunday, February 6, 2011

[colour help]

I'm still working on it, but right now I've definitely hit a colour rut. These are the schemes I've liked the most so far out of the several that I've done. Anyone have any thoughts? Help would be much appreciated. Thank you!

(click to enlarge)

EDIT: what do you guys think about this?

(click to enlarge)


  1. I think the final image is great! Especially if you're going to do some reddish backgrounds.

    If you make the hairclip a little bit bigger, it might her easier to animate.

  2. I don't know if you purposely did it, but I like the texture on the last image. the hairclip is a cute addition!

  3. I like the last one that's green.. but I think you should change the dinosaur clip to something more yellow, purple, or orange to avoid people being like "OMG it's christmas colors!"

    I love the band-aid. It makes it more believable that she's plays around outside a lot.
