Friday, February 4, 2011

[character designs: round 2 + first concept art]

Okay! I tweaked the design a bit. She might be a bit too tall now though. I also think I'm going to add some more fat on the arms and legs; I want her to be about 8-10 years old. What I need help on (besides any thoughts you guys have) is hair colour. I'm leaning away from the brown because I envision the scenes and colours of the backgrounds to be kind of darker, and I want her to be the lightest thing in the film. What do you guys think?

(click to enlarge)

Also, here's the first piece of concept art!

(click to enlarge)


  1. Very, very cool. I wouldn't go with the blond, it doesn't contrast enough with her skin tone. Also, maybe you could try experimenting with different dress colours.. maybe some pattern design? Maybe that would be harder to animated...

    Either way, it's looking really good so far. Look forward to more!

  2. I love the background design!
    I think she looks a little too stereotypically cute. maybe add some distinctive feature about her that describes her personality a little more; make her stand out.

    Also, how come she doesn't have a nose? :O

    other than that, great work!

  3. I like the blonde version the best. I agree with Tom, though, her skin color is too similar to her hair. She might look nice with a red, green, or purple dress.

    I like that you made her look a bit older. That first little girl was too cute to have fall into the well.

  4. They look great! The concept for the background looks very nice. I love the textures you used and the fact that the moon isn't completely round is really cool. Only thing is would we be able to see any trees from the forest from the hill?

    I think the girl's pose is spot on for a little girl. The light blond hair would look really nice if most of the film takes place at night.

  5. I really love that concept art of the well on the hill against the moon backdrop. Compositions like this will give the well that mysterious quality needed to make the story work.
