Thursday, March 3, 2011

[a bit of viz-dev]

Just some more stuff I've been working on. Foliage studies, colour schemes, a bit more Claire stuff, with and without the hairpin.

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  1. Awesome.

    The color tests at the top all look good. For me, the light one on the bottom looks distractingly similar to a Japanese woodcut. The colors make it a lot flatter than the other two. I think it's really pretty (Outside the context of your film, it would actually be my favorite), but I think the image would clash with your narrative.

    If it helps at all, before I saw any of these images, I imagined a forest similar to the green color test, but darker, and there were more trees, enough so that you couldn't see the sky.

  2. It would be my favourite too! But yeah, it doesn't really seem to fit with the rest of the film, though I think it's really pretty and I love the colours.

    I originally had pictured everything more along the lines of the reddish scheme, but I'm having a hard time getting it to look like it does in my head. I agree about the trees obscuring the sky too--the only thing keeping that from happening right now is my current inability to draw it right.

    Thank you for your comments!

  3. I like the green image- although I imagined it a bit more foreboding. Perhaps darker, as Careen suggested? Nice work!

  4. SO PRETTY! I really like the red color test because it really feels like a unique world - though I agree that a darker green setting might work, too.

    I guess I like the idea of using colors that aren't what we usually think of for the setting, but actually do exist in real nature. The red is really alarming and the green might be too relaxing if this is a spot of rising tension in the film :)

  5. I like the middle (green) one on the top image a lot. Great foliage renderings. I'm excited about the forest part of this film a lot.

  6. Definitely liking that foliage. Also, red forest looks awesome

  7. I like the red forest too...and I like the unusual, specific foliage designs. Your film will have a really cool unique look!
