Friday, January 28, 2011

[character designs: round 1]

Just whipped this up! This is the design I'm thinking of working with for the Girl. I'm still tweaking it (i.e. I don't know if I'll go with that hair colour yet) and I'm aware of the discrepancies in height, dress length, etc. But I like to see all the steps of character evolution, so I'm posting step 1.



  1. I'd maybe make her legs longer and her torso shorter, so her proportions are more like a child's.

    I think the profile view of her head looks the best.

  2. Oh, and maybe give her some sleeves under her dress, or tights, if you want to add in other colors.

  3. I like the color scheme!

    Was it intentional not to give her eyebrows? It looks fine but I'm just wondering whether eyebrows would help to get the emotions you want to get out of her across.

    Also, I can imagine her skipping every where. Because she looks like such a happy child.

  4. Great character Kristina, I like the soft colors! I'd say maybe just the arms need a little refining.

  5. Remember you can say a lot about the character by the way they dress. Formal? Messy? Torn? Are the clothes stylish or preppy or nerdy? Try to push your idea of who your character is. The same goes for her hair and any other props.

    Also think about her posture- most people are not completely upright. Try to exaggerate aspects of her personality you think are important.

    Nice work!


  6. She's very cute and appealing! Which is why the audience will run you out of town on a rail when you throw her down a well to die.

    I think her simplicity makes her a good character to animate -- you won't have to spend time on unnecessary details. Just make sure that her body proportions remain more or less the same from angle to angle. (Her legs, for example, are different widths in the first and last drawings.)
